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druid registry push

druid registry push

Generate OCI Artifacts and push to a remote registry

druid registry push [flags]


  -h, --help              help for push
-i, --image string Image to use for the scroll. (Will be added as a manifest annotation gg.druid.scroll.image)
-c, --min-cpu string Minimum CPU required to run the application. (Will be added as a manifest annotation gg.druid.scroll.minCpu)
-d, --min-disk string Minimum Disk required to run the application. (Will be added as a manifest annotation gg.druid.scroll.minDisk)
-r, --min-ram string Minimum RAM required to run the application. (Will be added as a manifest annotation gg.druid.scroll.minRam)
-m, --pack-meta Pack the meta folder into the scroll.
-p, --port strings Ports to expose. Format webserver=80, dns=53/udp or just ftp (Will be added as a manifest annotation gg.druid.scroll.ports.<name>)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --cwd string             Path to environment file (.env) (default "/Users/marc/Development/Highcard/druid/druid-cli")
-e, --env-file string Path to environment file (.env) (default "./.env")
--ignore-version-check Ignore version check between scroll.yaml and scroll-lock.json